"The wild November come at last Beneath a veil of rain; The night winds blows its folds aside, Her face is full of pain. The latest of her race, she takes The Autumn's vacant throne: She has but one short moon to live, And she must live alone." --Richard Henry Stoddard

U.S. History= Your 1st Quarter project (Native American Tribal Flier) is due on Tuesday, 11/4 for 2nd period & Wednesday, 11/5 for 1st, 3rd, & 5th periods. Make sure that you list the resources you used on the back of your flier! Additionally, your 1st Quarter Study Guide is due Wednesday, 11/5 (for 5th period) and Thursday, 11/6 (for 2nd period).

A.P. Euro= 
You have a new Chapter 18 Study Guide...both the Chapter 18 & 19 Study Guides will be due on Wednesday, November 19th.

Because I can...


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