"As a token of our gratitude for God's gracious gift of abundance, let us share generously with those less fortunate than we at home and abroad. Let us at this season of thanksgiving perform deeds of thanksgiving; and, throughout the year, let us fulfill those obligations of citizenship and humanity which spring from grateful hearts." --President Dwight D. Eisenhower

If you did the last minute Extra Credit last week, be sure to 
turn in your write up by Tuesday!

U.S. History=  A new Chapter 5 & 6 Study Guide was passed out in class last week, it is due on Wednesday, 12/3 (for odd periods) & Thursday, 12/4 (for even periods)...expect a test on that day! 
***3rd period...please remember to be saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family; we will receive our family information the first week of December!
A.P. Euro= Your group project, relating to Chapter 20 is due...Tuesday, 11/25. Your Chapter 20 & 21 study guides are due on Monday, 12/8. 

"If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share." 
- W. Clement Stone


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