“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering 'it will be happier'...” ― Alfred Tennyson

U.S. History=  You have a new study guide (that was passed out in class & emailed to you prior to the break) that is due on 1/13 & 1/14! Your 2nd Quarter project, that was also assigned before the break, is due on Thursday, 1/15 for odd periods & Friday, 1/16 for even periods. 

A.P. Euro=  Your Chapter 22 & 23 study guides are due Thursday, 1/8. And don't forget that the take home DBQ (assigned before the break) is due Friday, 1/9/15 by 11:00pm to www.turnitin.com...remember a minimum of 5 paragraphs (the DBQ prompt is on pages A38-A43 in your textbook). 


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