"Spring is a true reconstructionist." -- Henry Timrod

U.S. History= The "Dear America" Extra Credit is due on Monday, 5/11 (for odd periods) and Tuesday, 5/12 (for even periods)...no exceptions, even if you are not in class the assignment is due & if you missed class last Thursday or Friday it is still due. 
You also have a Study Guide on Vietnam & the Counter Culture due VERY soon (Wednesday, 5/13 for odd periods & Thursday, 5/14 for even periods); please be sure that you READ through the corresponding chapters in the textbook as well! There is a test on the day your study guide is due. At the start of this week you will receive instructions on how to proceed with your TED Talks Project...due dates will be included. Click on the "TED Talks Project" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for an on-line copy of the assignment's instructions.

A.P. Euro= On Tuesday we'll recap the exam and have a rather mellow day in class, on Thursday you will get your final scores back from the in-class exam you took prior to the AP Euro exam.


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