"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." --William Shakespeare, Mid-Summer Night's Dream, 1595

This week's Schedule:Monday– B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– Late Start B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– Minimum B day

Click on the "Peer Court" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for information about an Extra Credit opportunity due on Tuesday, 2/9.

U.S. History= Your "World War II Era Leaders" worksheet is due 2/9 & 2/10 the same day as your Chapter 10 Reading Quiz this week! Your new Chapter 10 & 11 Study Guide, to be completed in your composition book, is due on 2/24 (for odd periods) and 2/25 (for even periods)...that is also your test day!  If you miss class you must stop by ASAP to pick up your missed work ASAP!

AP Euro= You will retake your Chapter 25 Reading Quiz at the start of class on Tuesday, 2/9....but please keep moving with the assigned reading schedule. You should have all the handouts for Chapter 26 (including 2 maps) and you will have the Chapter 27 handouts before we leave for break at the end of this week.


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