"Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life."-Janine di Giovanni

This week's schedule: Monday– B day Tuesday– A day Wednesday– Late Start B day Thursday– A day Friday– B day (minimum day) ***Any student who has a Test or Quiz to make-up MUST come in at 7:45am this Wednesday! U.S. History= There will be a Civil Rights Quiz in class on Tuesday, 3/29 & Wednesday, 3/30. Be sure that you have read all of Chapter 14 & go over your notes to be prepared. The Civil Rights Historybook project ends this week! Be sure to look at the assignment sheet (linked above) and accomplish all parts of the project by 3/31 (for odd periods) and 4/1 (for even periods) . You will be given a 3rd Quarter Study Guide to complete in your composition book before the break begins. AP Euro= There will be a Chapter 30 Reading Quiz on Tuesday, 3/29! Stay on top of your reading schedule. Your Chapter 30 & 31 Study Guides and journals are due on Tuesday, 4/12/16 (after the break)...