"Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life."-Janine di Giovanni

This week's schedule:
Monday– B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– Late Start B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– B day (minimum day)
***Any student who has a Test or Quiz to make-up MUST come in at 7:45am this Wednesday!
U.S. History= 
  • There will be a Civil Rights Quiz in class on Tuesday, 3/29 & Wednesday, 3/30. Be sure that you have read all of Chapter 14 & go over your notes to be prepared.
  • The  Civil Rights Historybook project ends this week! Be sure to look at the assignment sheet (linked above) and accomplish all parts of the project by 3/31 (for odd periods) and 4/1 (for even periods).
  • You will be given a 3rd Quarter Study Guide to complete in your composition book before the break begins.

AP Euro= 

  • There will be a Chapter 30 Reading Quiz on Tuesday, 3/29! Stay on top of your reading schedule.
  • Your Chapter 30 & 31 Study Guides and journals are due on Tuesday, 4/12/16 (after the break)...that is a test day!
  • Before the break begins you will have ALL of your Chapter 30 & 31 handouts.
This is a stereograph created by C. H. Graves with images of the annual White House Easter Egg Roll ca. 1901. Dating back to 1878, the Easter Egg Roll is a cherished springtime tradition in Washington, D.C., with children and their families gathering to enjoy festivities on the South Lawn.


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