“October proved a riot a riot to the senses and climaxed those giddy last weeks before Halloween.” ― Keith Donohue

If you attended Peer Court last week & did a write-up it is due by Wednesday, 10/26.
This week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday– A day
Thursday– B day
Friday– Homecoming Rally A day
U.S. History= 
  • Your 1st Quarter project was introduced & assigned last week (Native American Tribal Flier) and is due on Wednesday, 10/26 for odd periods & Thursday, 10/27 for even periods. 
    • Here is a link to the actual assignment sheet & template.
    • This project will be uploaded to www.turnitin.com & a hard copy will be turned in (please check School Loop for an email I sent last week with more details ).
  • Please be reading Chapter 3 at home! What we cover in class is supplemental to the textbook reading. 
A.P. Euro= 
  • There will be a Chapter 17 Reading Quiz in class on Tuesday.
  • We will be wrapping up Chapter 17 & reviewing for the test on Thursday.
  • Your Chapter 16 & 17 Study Guides (with maps) are both due on Thursday, 10/27 (test day). Be sure to check your email for updates from me including review links! 
  • Remember that there is a list on the board in class of what should be in your Composition Book.
Now if  ONLY we could have the sound to remind us what it felt like at school last Thursday!


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