“The beginning is always today.” ― Mary Shelley

This Week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start A Day
Tuesday– B Day
Wednesday– A Day
Thursday– B Day
Friday–  A Day
I apologize for the delay, all 1st Semester Grades will be finalized by Wednesday, 2/1.

U.S. History= 
  • We will be starting the Second Semester by setting some goals for the semester (this is an assignment that you will receive points for).
  • Please start reading Chapter 10 in your textbook; we will pick up our studies there. 
  • You will have a World War II Map (passed out in class at the start of this week) due on 2/3 & 2/6.
A.P. Euro= 
  • We will be starting the Second Semester by taking a short NMUSD assessment & setting some goals for the semester (these are assignments that you will receive points for).
  • Expect a Second Semester Reading Schedule in class this week & you will also receive your Chapter 24 handouts.
  • You will be assigned another small group project to present a specific portion of Chapter 24 to the class on Thursday, 2/2 of this week (you will be given some class time on Tuesday to get started).
  • Please bring your textbook to class on Tuesday, 1/31!


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