"The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances." ~Robert Flatt

This week's schedule:
Monday– No school, it's Spring Break.
Tuesday– No school, it's Spring Break.
Wednesday–  No school, it's Spring Break.
Thursday– No school, it's Spring Break.
Friday– No school, it's Good Friday!

U.S. History= 
  • When we come back from the break there will be a NMUSD District Assessment covering the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Also, after the break we will be continuing our studies of the Kennedy & Johnson years (Chapter 15 in the textbook).
AP Euro= 
  • Your AP Euro homework over the break is to come up with your plan to review & prepare for the exam on May 12th. This would be what you plan to do outside of class in preparation. We will be reviewing in class & taking a few practice exams, but you need to commit some time outside of class as well. Here is the link to the "One Month AP European History Study Guide" that I shared with you in class today. Remember you do not need to use this plan, but it may provide you with some helpful ideas. 
  • Those of you who missed class on Friday, 4/7 will have a short in-class writing to make-up when we are back from the break.


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