"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be." -Khalil Gibran

This week's schedule:
Monday– Late Start A Day
Tuesday– B Day
Wednesday–  A Day
Thursday– B Day
Friday– A day

U.S. History= 
  • We will be continuing our studies of the Kennedy & Johnson years (Chapter 15 in the textbook) before moving on to the Vietnam Era.
  • Midweek there will be a NMUSD District Assessment covering the Civil Rights Movement, review your notes & Chapter 14 so that you will be prepared.
AP Euro= 
  • I hope you took the time to establish your own review plan for the AP exam! Although we will be reviewing in class it is important for you to commit additional time to be prepared.  
    • Once again, here is the link to the "One Month AP European History Study Guide" that I shared in class before the break. Remember you do not need to use this plan, but it may provide you with some helpful ideas. 
    • Additionally, here is a link to the Romulus AP Euro review app (yes, it does cost $4.99, but it might be a good option for you depending on your learning style).
  • Those of you who missed class on Friday, 4/7 will have a short in-class writing to make-up when we are back from the break.
This may be especially true on a Monday morning after break:


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