“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.” - John F. Kennedy

ALL CLASSES...click on the "Field of Honor Extra Credit" link to the right (above the "It's Kirby. It's epic.") for an Extra Credit Opportunity that expires on Sunday, 5/28!
This week's schedule:
Monday– Late Start B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– B day
   U.S. History= .
  • Be reading Chapter 17 & 18 in your textbook and expect a quiz on these two chapters...maybe even by the end of this week!
  • Your 4th Quarter Project on "The Most Influential American" was introduced last week; your research is due this week (with "match-ups" starting next week). Here is a link to the actual assignment & these are the forms that must be completed and turned in on 5/25 (for A day classes) and 5/26 (for B day classes).
AP Euro= .
  • Your completed Bill & Ted worksheet was due today (5/22).
  • We will be looking at other major events in World History as we wrap up the school year. This week's focus will be on China. 
  • Next class you will be assigned a Culture Project (and will be given some time to work in class). This project will highlight other areas of the world that our studies this year did not focus on (since you get World History credit for this class, we're going to look at a bit more of the world).


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