“Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly.” ― Pablo Neruda

This week's schedule:
Monday– Late Start A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday– A day
Thursday– B day 
Friday– A day
 U.S. History= .
  • The Most Influential American tournament will take place in class this week (starting Monday & Tuesday; there are some points with this project that you can only earn by being in class (so be there)!
  • We will be moving on to the 1980s this week, so be ready to read Chapter 19!
    • Please being your comp books to class each day this week!
  • Last week you received your LAST Study Guide for the school year (linked here); it is due Tuesday, 6/14 (for A day classes) & Thursday, 6/15 (for B day classes).
AP Euro= .
  • The Final Group Project will be introduced on Tuesday; it will be due on Friday, 6/16. 
  • You will be given at least 30 minutes of class time each period (prior to the due date) to work with your group! Use your time wisely & plan on meeting outside of class as well to make sure you turn in a QUALITY project.
  • Please bring your comp books to class on Friday, 6/16 as well!


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