“Whatever it takes to finish things, finish. You will learn more from a glorious failure than you ever will from something you never finished.” ― Neil Gaiman

This week's schedule:
Monday- Late Start A day
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- Academic Rally Schedule A day
Thursday-  B day
Friday- Traditional day

The Peer Court write up is due Tuesday, 4/10. Check the "Peer Court" tab for details.

U.S. History=
  • Please bring your comp book to class this week!
  • Your 3rd Quarter Project worth 10% of your semester grade is due on 4/11 (for A Day classes) and 4/12 (for B Day classes).  
    • Here is a link to the project details.

AP Euro=
  • The in-class writing for Ch. 30 & 31 will be on Thursday, 4/5 & the Multiple Choice exam will be on Monday, 4/11 (the original date was 4/3...you should definitely be ready to wrap this up).
  • After the final Chapter test this week, be watching your School Loop email after each class for tips & review leads to help you prepare for the upcoming AP exam in May.


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