“The secret is not following the right path, it's following that right path to the end. Don't quit, my friend, until you've arrived.” ― Toni Sorenson

This week's schedule:
Monday– Late Start B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– B day
U.S. History= 

  • We will be wrapping up our study of the 1980s this week and reviewing for the final.
  • Last week you received your LAST Study Guide for the school year (linked here); it is due Thursday, 6/14 (for A day classes) & Friday, 6/15 (for B day classes).
    • We will be answering questions from the study guide & reviewing for the final together in class that day.
    • You will get your comp books back for the weekend.
  • Your textbooks are due to be turned in on Thursday, 6/14 & Friday, 6/15.
    • Textbooks should be brought to me in class (do NOT take them directly to the library).
    • If you choose to keep your textbook over the weekend (even though you will have your own study guides in your comp book), you textbook MUST be turned in before your Final to get a score on the exam. 
  • This link will take you to directions for how to use codes from the textbook to review on-line for the final.
AP Euro= 
  • The Final Group Project is due on Monday, 6/18. 
  • You will be given some class time each period (prior to the due date) to work with your group! Use your time wisely & plan on meeting outside of class as well to make sure you turn in a QUALITY project.
  • Please bring both your textbook & composition books to class on Tuesday, 6/12.  
  • Projects are still being graded and there has not been any extra credit added to the grade book yet.


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