“Let the leaves fall where they may- Welcome October- Autumn is here...” ― Charmaine J Forde
This week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start B day
Tuesday– A day
Wednesday– B day
Thursday– A day
Friday– Extended Lunch B day
U.S. History=
- Be reading Chapter 2...you never know when there might be a pop quiz in class!
- Your Chapter 2 Study Guide (to be completed in your comp book...link to a copy here) and several other items (including the Civil War Map linked here) are due on your test day...(Odd periods are due 10/12 & Even periods are due 10/15).
- Be sure that you are working on those items now & not waiting until the night before to do all of the work!
- Also, be sure to check the list on the board in class so that you can keep track of all the required items that should be in your comp book.
- Your Chapter 14 & 15 Study Guides (with maps) are due on test day, which is Friday, 10/5! If you have questions please be sure to ask in advance so I can help you!
- Make sure you keep up with the reading; you can expect a Chapter 15 Reading Quiz on Wednesday, 10/3.
- We should have some time in class to review together for the test, so be sure to bring your questions to class (if you have questions)!