“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” -Aristotle

This week's Schedule:
Monday– Late Start A day
Tuesday– B day
Wednesday–  A day
Thursday– B day
Friday– A day

U.S. History= 
  • Your research paper outlines were due on 12/10 & 12/11 before class to www.turnitin.com.
    • If you don't have the log-in info you need to check your School Loop email from me on 11/19 or 11/20.
  • If you haven't already...you should start reading Chapter 7! There will be a Chapter 7 Quiz on 12/18 & 12/19!
  • We will be moving through the 1920s rather quickly.
    • The Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide will be passed in class this week. You should complete questions 1-16 to help yourself be prepared for the quiz (the Study Guide will not actually be due until after the break when we complete Chapter 8). 
  • Your Final due date for the Research Paper is Friday, 12/21 before 11:59pm.
    • More info will be shared in class this week.
    • If you missed class or don't remember what was shared go to the "Reminders for your Research Paper" tab on the home page.
A.P. Euro= 
  • We are wrapping up Chapter 22 this week & then jumping in to Chapter 23.
  • Please keep up with the reading schedule AND be working on your study guide as you go along (not all at the last minute the night be fore it is due). Your study guides are due on 12/19!


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