“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ― William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well

This Week's Schedule:

Monday– Late Start B Day

Tuesday– A Day
Wednesday– B Day
Thursday– A Day

Friday–  B Day

U.S. History= 
  • Please bring your comp book to class this week!
  • Your World War II Maps are due on Tuesday, 2/12 & Wednesday, 2/13. Use the small slip to make sure you complete all the tasks. (These were passed out in class last week.)
  • There is a Chapter 10 Quiz on Tuesday, 2/13 & Wednesday, 2/14. Make sure you have gone through the chapter & reviewed the vocabulary so you are prepared. 
    • If you will be absent on that given day, please schedule a time to take the Quiz in advance.
  • Here is a copy of your Chapter 10 & 11 Study Guide (to be completed in your comp book). Be working on this; it is due 3/1 & 3/2...there will be a test that day!
  • Before the break your 3rd Quarter Project will be introduced!
    • Please check the "RUSH 3rd Quarter" tab at the top of the home page for more details about the 3rd Quarter Project due on 3/7 & 3/8.

A.P. Euro=

  • Make sure that you keep up with the reading schedule & work on your study guides that are due on 2/15!
  • Our focus this week with Chapter 27 is World War I & the Russian Revolution.
  • Comp books are due on the test day; our Chapter 26 & 27 Multiple Choice Exam is on Friday, 2/15.
  • There will be an in-class guided DBQ on Tuesday, 2/26 when we return from the break. Remember that it takes practice to improve!


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