"May the blessings of light be upon you, light without and light within. The blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire. And in all your comings and goings, may you ever have a kindly greeting from them you meet on the road." -Irish Blessing

This week's schedule:
Monday- Late Start A day
Tuesday- B day
Wednesday- A day
Thursday- B day
Friday- Extended Lunch Schedule A day

U.S. History=
  • Please be reading Chapter 13 & Chapter 12 from the textbook to supplement what we are covering in class (as we are moving through these two chapters out of order from the textbook).
    • You have a new study guide to be working on that is due on 3/21 & 3/22. Expect a "Quest" that day (longer than a quiz, shorter than a test) covering both Chapters 12 & 13.
  • Your blue colored registration form (neatly completed with signatures in ink) is due on 3/13 & 3/14. You will be seeing your counselor that day if your form is complete to register for next year's classes.
AP Euro=
  • There will be a Chapter 29 Reading Quiz toward the end of class on Thursday, 3/14.
  • The Chapter 28 & 29 study guides are due on Monday, 3/18.
    • There will be a test that day!
  • Your green colored registration form (neatly completed with signatures in ink) is due on 3/14. You will be seeing your counselor that day if your form is complete to register for next year's classes.


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