“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Finals Week schedule: Monday- 1st & 5th period Finals Tuesday- 2nd & 6th period Finals Wednesday- 3rd & 7th period Finals Thursday- 4th & 8th period Finals Friday- No students U.S. History= Comp books & textbook are due in class the day of your final! Our final will cover the entire semester Chapters 10-19 Here is a link to that study guide covering Chapters 17, 18, & 19 (this was originally passed out in mid-May...you had one month to complete this). Two weeks ago in class you received a 2nd Semester Study Guide (green half sheet) to help refresh your memory of what will be covered on the Final Exam (only the material we have covered in the 2nd Semester). Other options for reviewing for the final: Linked here is a document with directions for Chapter reviews based off of our textbook. Here is a link to a Quizlet I made covering 50 terms you should know from this semester for the Final. Here is a doc...