“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Finals Week schedule:
Monday- 1st & 5th period Finals 
Tuesday- 2nd & 6th period Finals
Wednesday- 3rd & 7th period Finals
Thursday- 4th & 8th period Finals
Friday- No students

U.S. History=

AP Euro=
  • It is very important for you to be present during our Final period as  there are a couple of tasks that you will be required to do.
  • If you did not turn in your textbook & comp book last Friday, please bring it to class on Tuesday, 6/18.
    • If your textbook is not turned in you will get a ZERO for your final...turn it in when it is due!
    • If you don't bring your comp book back to class none of the stamps in your comp book be counted.
  • Scores will be progressively updated this week...most likely in a period by period nature. Please be patient!
    • Extra credit from this semester will also be added. 
  • Your final 2nd Semester grades will be posted on-line by 6:00pm on Thursday, 6/20. 
    • Please do not e-mail asking about your grade before then.
    • Any score that is a 0.5 or higher will be rounded up.


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