“When one has a grateful heart, life is so beautiful.” ― Roy T. Bennett

This week’s schedule:

Monday—Late Start A day
Tuesday—B day
Wednesday—A day
Thursday—B day
Friday—Traditional day

U.S. History=
  • Your Chapter 7 Study Guide  (completed in your comp book) is due on Monday, 11/18 & Tuesday, 11/19.
    • There will be a test in class that day.
  • Later this week we will be moving on to Chapter 8 which covers The Great War (aka World War I).
  • ***4th period…please start setting aside/saving some of your money for Adopt-A-Family.

A.P. Euro= 
  • Your group presentation on your assigned portion of Chapter 20 is due on Monday, 11/18.
  • Most of the Chapter 20 Study Guide should be covered by these presentations. Be on the lookout for an email via School Loop.
  • Before the end of the week you will have all of the Chapter 21 handouts.
  • ***3rd period…please consider bringing in at least 2 non-perishable food items for the Food Drive that ends on Monday!


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