"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

EXTRA CREDIT ALERT! Think all extra credit is really hard or you have to go somewhere else to do it? Wrong, here is an opportunity to earn 10 extra credit points just for sending an e-mail! Here is the back story: US Marine Colonel Simcock, the commander of USMC Regimental Combat Team (RCT) 6 in Iraq, is asking for 6,000 positive emails to his Marines.That's one email for each Marine in his RCT command. COL Simcock is concerned about the effect of the negative barrage that those Marines are getting through the electronic media.So far, they've only mustered 2,000 emails.
This is where you will come in...send an e-mail (I'll give the address in a moment, but first read what Col. Simcock relayed in an interview about what the troops hear on the news & how it impacts them).
I'll tell you what, the one thing that all Marines want to know about -- and that includes me and everyone within Regimental Combat Team 6 -- we want to know that the American public are behind us. We believe that the actions that we're taking over here are very, very important to America. We're fighting a group of people that, if they could, would take away the freedoms that America enjoys.Please just sit down, jot us -- throw us an e- mail, write us a letter, let us know that the American public are behind us. Because we watch the news just like everyone else. It's broadcast over here in our chow halls and the weight rooms, and we watch that stuff, and we're a little bit concerned sometimes that America really doesn't know what's going on over here, and we get sometimes concerns that the American public isn't behind us and doesn't see the importance of what's going on. So that's something I think that all Marines, soldiers and sailors would like to hear from back home, that in fact, yes, you think what we're doing over here is important and you are in fact behind us.
All you have to do is follow the directions I have provided for you:
1- Log on to your e-mail account & click to create a new message
2- Put the following address in the "To:" box: RCT-6lettersfromh@gcemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil
3- Put my address (kkirby@nmusd.us) in the "Bcc:" box (this way I have proof you sent the e-mail without everyone seeing that you sent it to me)
4- Write a nice e-mail thanking/encouraging the marines/soldiers. It does not need to be long or elaborate, but it should be honest & heartfelt (i.e. wish them well, tell them you hope they are home soon,etc.). Remember it is suppose to be ENCOURAGING (do not send a rude e-mail, you will not receive points for doing that)!
5- Use the spell check option & make sure that you have not used text message or IM lingo (for example...none of that "IDK, my BFF Rose" stuff).
6- Click send!
7- I will send you an e-mail confirming that I saw your e-mail & that you received the 10 extra credit points.

***This is the final extra-credit assignment of the first quarter! If you went to Peer Court last week be sure to turn in your write-up!

***This week I will be working on fixing the grade book so assignments from last year's classes do not show up.

US= Be working on your Chapter 3 Homework Packets...they are due next week (10/30 & 10/31)! That also means you have a test next week!

PacRim/IR= You have TWO very easy assignments this week...turn them in on time & complete and you have TWO easy "A"s in the gradebook! Tuesday you need to turn in your 4-Year Plan signed by your parent (there are 3 or 4 of you who were absent that day and we will make arrangements for you to make that up) & Thursday you need to turn in your Grade Check...filled out and signed by all teachers (even PE or athletics) and your parent.


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