"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting." Author Unkown
US= Some people have powerpoints due this week (check the board to see if your name is there & yours is due). We will have a quiz on Chapter 4 next week before Thanksgiving break...make sure you have read through the whole chapter!!! Your Tribal Cube is due Monday, November 26th (for 1st, 3rd, & 5th periods) and Tuesday, November 27th (for 6th period). Also that week your Chapter 4 &5 Homework Packet is due on Wednesday (11/28) & Thursday (11/29).
PacRim/IR= Don't forget that your new grade checks are due this Friday (11/16)!!! We will be looking at Apartheid this week & winding down our unit on Human Rights....that means a test is on the way soon! (More details will be posted later this week!)
PacRim/IR= Don't forget that your new grade checks are due this Friday (11/16)!!! We will be looking at Apartheid this week & winding down our unit on Human Rights....that means a test is on the way soon! (More details will be posted later this week!)