“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” -Mother Teresa

Happy Valentine's Day....here is a new EXTRA CREDIT ALERT!!!
This Saturday, February 16th at 9pm go to this website: http://www.georgetownradio.com/ and click on the "Listen Live" button in the upper right hand corner. From 9-10pm there will be 10 fun/odd/quirky facts given about Presidents in honor of the upcoming President's Week; to get the extra credit you must e-mail me a minimum of 5 facts (more facts will earn you more points) given on the radio show. Send your e-mail to kkirby@nmusd.us before noon on Sunday (2/17/08) to receive the extra credit. Feel free to call in (202-687-9482...it's long distance so be sure to use your free weekend minutes on your cell phone) to the radio show...they might even put you on the air! Have fun listening!

US= Don't forget to be working on your homework packet...it is due the week after the break. Be expecting to see a quiz in class before the end of the week!

PacRim/IR= We are moving forward and taking a look at culture this week. Don't forget that your Asia map (properly labeled & colored) is due on Thursday!


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