May the Irish hills caress you-May her lakes and rivers bless you-May the luck of the Irish enfold you-May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.

FOR ALL CLASSES: You all have an extra credit opportunity tomorrow(Tuesday, March 18th) by attending Peer Court after school in portable #9 from 3:15-5:15. To earn the extra credit (and even some community service hours) you must be there the entire time! To get the extra credit answer the following questions about each case (there will be a maximum of 4 cases): a- What was the case about? (i.e. what are they in trouble for doing?), b- What was the jury's decision & did the judge change anything?, and c- Did you agree or disagree with the outcome? Why? Additionally some of you will have the opportunity to be jurors and ask questions (if you end up being chosen for that please answer the above questions for your case only AND write about what the jury experience was like...hard, easy, confusing, etc.) This write up on Peer Court will be due 1 week after the event (Tuesday, March 25th).

US= A quiz this week before the Chapter 12 & 13 Test...Homework Packets are due Friday (for periods 1, 3, & 5) and Monday (for period 6).

PacRim/IR= We are continuing our work by looking at Human Rights around the world & how minority groups have been influenced. Don't forget to be gather items for our Rummage Sale...and bring back your Rummage Sale slip by this Friday (3/21)!


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