"Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day." -Irish Blessing

I apologize for not getting a new post up sooner, but here we go...
Grades for the new semester will be on-line after 5pm on Wednesday. I will continue to update grades as the week continues.

For all classes...there is a Peer Court opportunity at NHHS next week...3:15-5:15 in portable #9 on Tuesday, March 18th. More details to follow!

US= By now you should have your new homework packet (50s & Cold War) due on Friday, March 21st (periods 1, 3, & 5) and Monday, March 24th (period 6). Counselors will be visiting our classes this week and giving all juniors a blue registration form for next year's classes. You will have a approximately 2 weeks to get this filled out, signed by your parents, and signed by teachers (for AP classes, etc.) before we will go to turn in the forms to your specific counselor. I will give you 15 points for having your paper with you and properly filled out on your class's given day.

PacRim/IR= You should have completed your worksheet comparing & contrasting rights in the UNDHR & the US Bill of Rights. We will continue looking at varying categories of Human Rights this week. Also, this week you will receive a flier about preparing for our Philanthropists Rummage Sale to take place on Saturday, March 29th. We are hoping to make a good profit so we can give out more grants to the non-profit agencies...more details in class this week.


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