If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. A.Bradstreet

The last week before break...don't slack off, you've got work due in class this week!

US= You have your first project of the semester due on Thursday, 4/2 (for odd periods) and Friday, 4/3 (for even periods). Also due that day are your workbook pages (117, 119, &121) AND you will be taking a Quest (longer than a quiz, but shorter than a test) on Chapter 14 and the Civil Rights Movement. Don't forget that classes will also be visiting counselors to register for next year's classes (Wed., 4/1 for even periods & Thurs., 4/2 for odd periods). If you have not already turned in your blue registration form you must bring that to class to be prepared to meet with your counselor.

PacRim/IR= You have your first project due on Wednesday, April 1st. Be sure to have your poem, visual, & bibliography ready to turn in on that day. We will be wrapping up out unit on Human Rights with apartheid this week & taking a Human Rights Quest on Friday, April 3rd.


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