"May your blessings out number the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go." -Irish Blessing

US= You have your chapter 12 & 13 Homework Packet due this week (Tuesday, 3/17 for odd periods and Wednesday, 3/18 for even periods). Don't forget that you will have a test on the 1950s & the Cold War that same day. I have posted a Study Guide on School Loop for you.

PacRim/IR= We are continuing with our Human Rights Unit. On Wednesday, 3/18 you will be receiving your first project assignment of the semester. More details will follow!

There is an EXTRA CREDIT opportunity for all classes at the Newport Beach Public Library on evening of Wednesday, March 18th.You have a chance to meet two heroes of humanitarian relief work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) - Drs. Julie and Michael Van Rooyen. Please attend this lecture to learn about the extraordinary work being done by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative in the third world. The Van Rooyens' lecture "Attacking the Epidemic of Gender-Based Violence in Central Africa: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and the Panzi Hospital Project" will shed light on atrocities largely ignored in the media and show you what is possible when they dedicate themselves to change.

These are the details:
It is free...the library suggests a $10 donation, but if you can't don't worry about it. The event takes place this Wednesday, March 18th from 7pm-8:30 pm. No reservations; seating is first-come, first-served. Limited to 215 people. Extra free parking is available across the street in the Corporate Plaza lot. It will take place at the Newport Beach Central Library, 1000 Avocado Avenue, Newport Beach in the Friends Meeting Room. Check the library's website for more information.

To receive extra credit you will do a write up about the event and turn it in by Wednesday, March 25th. The write up must be 1 full page, typewritten, & include: the speakers' background & upbringing, issues addressed in the lecture, advice the speaker shared, your opinion (good or bad) about the talk, and 3 quality questions you would ask the speaker if given the chance.


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