"Oh, the lovely fickleness of an April day!" - William Hamilton Gibson

If you are interested in taking one of the AP classes offered by the Social Studies Department you are required to attend the informational meetings that start this week. All meetings will take place at lunch in portable #9...please see the list below for the specific days!
*Tuesday, April 21st with Mr. Robinson (the younger) - AP European History
*Wednesday, April 22nd with Ms. Newman - AP World History
*Thursday, April 23rd with Mr. Lear - AP US History
*Friday, April 24th with Ms. Lee - AP Government
*Tuesday, April 28th with Dr. Naasz - AP Psychology

US= We are continuing in our unit covering chapters 15 &16 from the textbook. Don't forget to be reading the book as we work on covering different topics in class. You should also be working on completing all 5 questions on workbook pages 123, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, & 137. We are doing the pages from chapter 15 (sections 1-3) and chapter 16 (sections 1-4...NOT section 5)! These pages are due the day of our Chapter 15 &16 Test...Wednesday, 4/29 (for odd periods) and Thursday, 4/30 (for even periods). Later this week you will be introduced to your final project assignment for the semester!

PacRim/IR= We are continuing with our unit on Poverty & Hunger. Maps were passed back in class & you should be studying for your Russia & former CIS nations map test on Friday, 4/24! Your next project is coming up next week...be prepared for a fun one!

I am still working on getting your grades all updated. Grades are due by Wednesday evening...by then things should be up to date. Thank you for your patience!


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