"There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October."
The quote above is by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

ALL CLASSES...GRADES WILL BE UPDATED BY WEDNESDAY EVENING (10/7) AT THE LATEST. After that please check for School Loop grades to be updated approximately every other week. Thank you for your patience!
US= You have now been given your Chapter 2 Homework Packet! It is due Friday, 10/16 (for odd periods) and Monday, 10/19 (for even periods). Please keep up with that homework. We will be moving through Chapter 2 very quickly.
IR/PacRim= YOUR CENTRAL AMERICA & CARIBBEAN MAP TEST IS THURSDAY, 10/8... Don't forget to study!!! Now that we are all getting settled in to being in one class together we will be moving forward and starting a new unit on Human Rights. On Tuesday, 10/6 come prepared to go over the Human Rights Squares that you filled in during class last Friday.
Just for fun...can you identify this landmark?