"February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March." - Dr. J. R. Stockton

Well, we're back from the break. I hope you all enjoyed the time off! We've got a lot coming up, so please stay on top of your assignments & don't put things off to the last minute this semester!
I am sorry that the extra credit opportunity at the Public Library last Saturday was canceled, but be on the lookout for another extra credit opportunity at the beginning of March.

US= You have a Chapter 10 Quiz on Wed., 2/24 (for odd periods) and Thurs., 2/25 (for even periods). Don't forget that your World War II Homework Packets are due next week...Thurs. 3/4 (for odd periods) and Fri., 3/5 (for even periods). This week we will be continuing our studies about the US involvement with World War II.

IR/PacRim= We will be spending some time this week looking at the United Nations and the role it has played in global affairs. There is a lot to learn & discuss when it comes to this topic. It also give us at least another week of a "non-depressing" topic in class! :) Expect to get a map as homework this coming Friday, 2/26.

Just for fun...do you know where this is?


robbiieiiiieeeeee hhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd said…
long beach strong beach!!!!!!!!!!!!
extra credit? i think so

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