"Goals are dreams with deadlines." -Diana Scharf Hunt

A new semester a new beginning, a clean slate, a fresh start! Hopefully you all have some great goals that you want to accomplish this semester!

US= We will be starting our next unit on World War II and the 1940s. A new Homework Packet was given out in class today...it is due Thursday, 3/4 (for odd periods) and Friday, 3/5 (for even periods). Please start off on the right foot this semester...don't procrastinate & get this started now so you're not up doing it the night before it's due!

IR/PacRim= Before we start our unit on War & Conflict we will spend this week looking at a few other items as they relate to global affairs. I realize this is vague, but I want to ensure that you will come to class this week to find out what I'm talking about!

Just for fun...


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