"And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier's tomb, and beauty weeps the brave." ~Joseph Drake

I hope that you are all enjoying the long weekend, but please do take some time to remember why it is a holiday. Check out this link for more information about Memorial Day.

US= You have your worksheets due in class on Tuesday, 6/1 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 6/2 (for even periods). Don't forget that your group's script is due Thursday, 6/3 regardless of what period you are in.

IR/PacRim= The rough draft of your group paper is due Tuesday, 6/1. You will be getting your final map of the year this week!

Extra Credit Update: I will accept the write-ups for this week's episodes up until Friday, 6/4 due to the holiday weekend.


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