"The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May." -Edwin Way Teale

Remember that there are 3 more weeks of Extra Credit opportunity (see the column on the left).

US= You need to be reading Chapter 16 (just sections 1-4, we will cover section 5 at a later time) in preparation for a test on Chapter 15 & 16 (Friday, 5/14 for odd periods & Monday, 5/17 for even periods). You also have a "Letter from Vietnam" due Wednesday, 5/12 for odd periods and Thursday, 5/13 for even periods.

IR/PacRim= Your Group Project Thesis Statements will be returned on Wednesday. Don't forget that your group's storyboard for the PSA is due Friday, 5/14 and your notecards (4 per person) are due Tuesday, 5/18. You were given notecards in class today to use; additionally you were shown some great on-line data base resources to use for your research today. Please take advantage of this help that has been given to you! There will be a new Map given out in class on Wednesday on Western Europe...it will also be due on Friday, 5/14.


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