"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.” -Honore de Balzac

Don't forget that Mother's Day is this coming Sunday (May 9th)!!!

US= We are taking a Quiz on Chapter 15 this week and then moving on to Chapter 16 and taking a look at the Vietnam War. PLease be reading in your textbook as we are covering topics in class!

IR/PacRim= You have a list of due dates for your group project. Be sure to stay in contact with your group members and don't fall behind on the work. Topics were picked today (5/4), a copy of the UNDHR is due on 5/6, and your group's thesis statement is due on Monday, 5/10. There will be some time to work with your group in class on Thursday after the Map Test!


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