“Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile.” - William Cullen Bryant

US= You have your tribal Pamphlet Project to be working on...it is due (11/3 for odd periods & 11/4 for even periods). I have posted a template for it on School Loop now. This week we are starting a new unit (on Chapters 3 & 4)...your homework this time around will be a little different. I'll explain more in class!

Sociology= We are finally starting the 2nd Unit on Culture, Conformity, & Deviance! You have homework due on Wednesday (read pages 81-91 and answer questions 1-3 on page 91). Be prepared for a quick quiz on Culture on Wednesday as well. Remember that your project assignment is now due Friday, 10/22! I can't wait to see what you all have to share based on your research methods. :)

I should have grades updated by the end of this week. Thanks for your patience!


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