"Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story." ~Mason Cooley

US= You have your tribal Pamphlet Project to be working on...it is due (11/3 for odd periods & 11/4 for even periods). I have posted a template for it on School Loop now. You also should be working on your 1st Quarter Summative Study Guide (also due 11/3 for odd periods & 11/4 for even periods)...that is your "Homework Packet" this time around. If you are having trouble with finding answers you can come by before school or at lunch time. An extra credit assignment will be given out to those who want it in class on Monday or Tuesday...it is due the end of this week.
***Want to earn back point on your Formative #2 Test? Come by before school at 7:20 on Thursday, 10/28 or Friday, 10/29 to make test corrections and earn back partial credit. Only 2 people took advantage of this opportunity with Formative #1!

Sociology= We will be wrapping up Unit #2 this week. On Tuesday we will finish up "Conformity" and on Thursday we will cover "Deviance"; Quiz #4 will be given during the second half of the period on Thursday, 10/28. You will have homework due on Thursday (read pages 110-114 and answer questions 1-3 on page 114). An extra credit assignment will be given out this week for those of you who would like to earn some extra points before the end of the 1st quarter. :)

Just for fun...


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