“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” -Henry Ford

Finals are fast approaching! Here is what the schedule looks like for you this week:
Monday, 1/23= A Day...Odd periods have a Chapter 9 Quiz
Tuesday, 1/24= B Day...Even periods have a Chapter 9 Quiz
Wednesday, 1/25= A Day...Odd periods will turn in the 2nd Quarter Study Guides & take the district portion of the final. Also you will bring your stamped work & QODs to be recorded.
Thursday, 1/26= B Day...Even periods will turn in the 2nd Quarter Study Guide & take the district portion of the final. Also on this day your stamped work & QODs will be recorded.
Friday, 1/27= Traditional Day...all periods will be devoted to a final review for the second part of your final next week.


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