"In January it's so nice while slipping on the sliding ice to sip hot chicken soup with rice. Sipping once, Sipping twice."-Maurice Sendak, In January
The author of the above quote is best know for what book? You might recognize his style of illustrations below.
Well here we are getting back in to the swing of things. Please try to stay on top of your work, as the end of the semester always seems to be a hectic time. Use your time wisely, write down the due dates and carve out study time in your planner. Prioritize & don't expect all of your teachers to make exceptions for you at the last minute because your grade isn't where you want it to be now.

Well here we are getting back in to the swing of things. Please try to stay on top of your work, as the end of the semester always seems to be a hectic time. Use your time wisely, write down the due dates and carve out study time in your planner. Prioritize & don't expect all of your teachers to make exceptions for you at the last minute because your grade isn't where you want it to be now.
U.S. History= Your final project for this semester is due Tuesday, 1/11 (for odd periods) and Wednesday, 1/12 (for even periods) as is your Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide! Remember, as per the syllabus, projects are not accepted late (so even if you are not at school your project better find a way to get to class)! We will be taking the chapter 7 & 8 assessment and then continuing our studies of the Great Depression and New Deal Era. Be on the lookout for a final study guide for the semester soon!
