"In January it's so nice while slipping on the sliding ice ..." - Maurice Sendak, "In January "

U.S. History= Your Chapter 7 & 8 Study Guide and your New Deal Soup Can Projects are due Tuesday, 1/15/13 for odd periods & Wednesday, 1/16/13 for even periods. Keep in mind that you got these assignments before the break. We will be finishing up one more chapter before the end of the semester & your semester study guide will be passed out in class this week!

AP Euro= So far so good with the Chapter 24 presentations in class! :) We will finish those up & move on to Chapter 25 on Wednesday. Don't forget to be working on your Chapter 24 Study Guide that was given out today...lots of good info from the presentations can help you get started on answering a lot of the questions! I will be talking more specifically about the semester final in the next couple of classes. Test corrections have started, please contact me if you plan to come in the morning or after school! Coming during lunch or your open period is fine. Unfortunately, we can't do corrections during the late start on Wednesday because I have an all-staff meeting.


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