“The bitterness of studying is preferable to the bitterness of ignorance.”

In all seriousness though...good luck with finals! Check out the  study tips in the column to the right. Final grades for the 1st semester will not be finalized until Wednesday, 2/6.

U.S. History=  Please remember to bring your 2nd Quarter Study Guide to the final (and your stamped work if that wasn't already checked last week). 

  • 1st & 5th periods' finals are Monday, 1/28 from 8:00am- 10:00am & 10:20am-12:20pm
  • 2nd period's final is Tuesday, 1/29 from 8:00am-10:00am
  • 3rd period's final is Wednesday, 1/30 from 8:00am-10:00am
  • This portion of your final will contain multiple choice & matching questions.
AP Euro= I sent you an email on School Loop last Friday with a Study Guide to help you prepare for the final. Please keep the following in mind:
  • This study guide is NOT due to be turned in! It is simply to help you prepare for the final.
  • 6th period's final is Tuesday, 1/29 from 10:20am-12:20pm
  • 4th period's final is Thursday, 1/31 from 8:00am-10:00am
  • The final is modeled after an actual AP Exam...there will be 80 multiple choice questions to be completed in 55 minutes & you will have 2 FRQ (Free Response Questions) like we typically have with our chapter tests.
  • There will not be a DBQ to be done during finals week.


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