Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title. ~from Scooby-Doo

U.S. History=  Your 1st Quarter project was introduced and assigned on 10/8 & 10/9 (Native American Tribal Flier) and is due on Monday, 10/28 for 5th period & Tuesday, 10/29 for 2nd & 4th periods. 
    Additionally, your 1st Quarter Study Guide is due Wednesday, 10/30 (for 5th period) and Thursday, 10/31 (for 2nd & 4th periods) on that day you will be taking the 1st Quarter Exam. Remember the Study Guide was designed to help you be prepared for the exam, so please make sure that you do it ahead of time!

A.P. Euro= Your Chapter 16 & 17 Study Guides (with maps) are both due on Monday, 10/28. We will have a review in class and then take the multiple choice portion of the test! Expect a take home essay assignment, instead of an in-class essay this time around (details will be given in class).


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