“You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.” -Zig Ziglar

U.S. History= Expect a quiz on Chapter 3 on 10/24 & 10/25...be reading the chapter in addition to looking over your notes that we have covered in class in order to be prepared! Your 1st Quarter project was introduced & assigned last week (Native American Tribal Flier) and is due on Monday, 10/28 for 5th period & Tuesday, 10/29 for 2nd & 4th periods. Additionally, your 1st Quarter Study Guide is due Wednesday, 10/30 (for 5th period) and Thursday, 10/31 (for 2nd & 4th periods).

A.P. Euro= Expect a Chapter 17 Reading Quiz this week! We will continue working on different aspects of DBQs in class this week in preparation for writing your first DBQ essay. Your Chapter 16 & 17 Study Guides (with maps) are both due on Monday, 10/28.

Do you know where this Pumpkin Patch is? :)


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