“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way.” - Wayne Dyer

Your final grades for the 1st Semester were posted on-line last Friday. To see your grades log in to School Loop & then click on "previous schedule" located under your current schedule and above the calendar portion. Thank you for your patience, allowing me to get the grades finalized!

U.S. History= We are starting the new semester studying World War II. A new homework assignment will be given out at the start of the week in class; this assignment is a study guide & map tasks. This assignment is due Friday, 2/28/14 for odd periods & Monday, 3/3/14 for even periods; you will be taking the Chapter 10 & 11 test on that same day. 

AP Euro= After reviewing a few things from last semester, we will moving on and starting Chapter 26 this week. You now have a new schedule in hand, outlining our agenda up to the AP Euro Exam in May; brace yourself, it's going to go quick! There will be a Chapter 26 Reading Quiz on Friday, 2/7. Also due that day (2/7) is the green Naviance worksheet...this program is going to be very important to you in the coming years with your college search and application process!

If you missed class on Monday or Tuesday you missed the first assignment of the semester...goal setting. be sure to get the worksheet from me to fill out & turn in right away. Some of you who were in class may get this sheet back since some of your responses were a bit incomplete or questionable.  


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