"Why, what's the matter, that you have such a February face, so full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?” -William Shakespeare

U.S. History= We are still covering the World War II era. Homework assignment was given out well before the break; it is a study guide & map tasks. This assignment is due  (DATE CHANGE) Tuesday, 3/4/14 for odd periods & Wednesday, 3/5/14 for even periods; you will be taking the Chapter 10 & 11 test on that same day. 

AP Euro= Today (Monday) we are doing the in-class DBQ that was previously scheduled to be on 2/26 and we will be taking the Exam on Wednesday instead. Due to the flip-flop in the schedule your Chapter 26 & 27 Study Guides (and maps...there are 3 of them) are due on Wednesday, February 26th! 


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