“It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.” ― George Washington

U.S. History= We are still covering the World War II era. The homework assignment was given out well before the break; it is a study guide & map tasks. UPDATE...your test is being pushed back to Friday, 2/27 & Monday, 3/2...your Chapter 10 & 11 Study Guide and maps are due the same day. Don't forget you also need to complete the World War II Leaders worksheet & bring that to class on 2/23! 

AP Euro= Tuesday you will be doing an in-class DBQ and then reviewing for your Chapter 26 & 27 Test on Thursday, 2/26. Don't forget to be working on your Chapter 26 & 27 Study Guides (and maps...there are 3 of them) are due on Thursday, February 26th! Check your email after the break for review links.


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