"It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together… and I knew it." – Sleepless In Seattle
U.S. History= There is a Chapter 10 Quiz in class this week; be sure to read the chapter so you are prepared! We are currently studying the World War II era. A new homework assignment was given out last week in class; it is a study guide & map tasks. This assignment is due Wednesday, 2/25 for odd periods & Thursday, 2/26 for even periods; you will be taking the Chapter 10 & 11 test on that same day.
AP Euro= You now have a new reading schedule in hand, outlining our agenda up to the AP Euro Exam in May. Don't forget that you have a Chapter 26 Reading Quiz on Monday 2/9! Your Chapter 26 & 27 Study Guides (and maps) are due on Thursday, February 26th!
AP Euro= You now have a new reading schedule in hand, outlining our agenda up to the AP Euro Exam in May. Don't forget that you have a Chapter 26 Reading Quiz on Monday 2/9! Your Chapter 26 & 27 Study Guides (and maps) are due on Thursday, February 26th!