"All in the wild March-morning I heard the angels call; It was when the moon was setting, and the dark was over all; The trees began to whisper, and the wind began to roll, And in the wild March-morning I heard them call my soul." -- Lord Alfred Tennyson

U.S. History= Be sure that you are reading Chapter 12 from the textbook...based on that & what we have covered in class so far there will be a Cold War Quiz in class on Wed., 3/11 (for odd periods) & Thurs., 3/12 (for even periods). That is the same day your blue senior year registration form is due (you will be seeing your counselor that day if your form is complete to register for next year's classes). Your new Study Guide is due on Thursday, 3/20 for odd periods & Friday, 3/21 for even periods. Later this week your 3rd Quarter Project will be introduced.

AP Euro= Your Chapter 28 & 29 Study Guides are due on our test day (Monday, 3/16). There is a Chapter 29 Reading/Vocab Quiz on Thursday, 3/12!

Do you know where this is? The first 5 people to email the correct answer to kkirby@nmusd.us will earn a bonus point on their next quiz.


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