"May the blessing of light be on you— light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire." --Old Celtic Blessing

U.S. History= Your Study Guide is due on Thursday, 3/19 for odd periods & Friday, 3/20 for even periods; the multiple choice portion of the test will take place that same day.
***Also you need to check your School Loop email for details regarding emailing in your list of TED Talks you would like to adopt for the 2nd Semester project (your lists will be accepted Wednesday, 3/18-Friday, 3/20). Those of you who do not submit a list are just asking me to pick for you , so don't complain!

AP Euro= Good luck with the CAHSEE this week! On Monday you turned in your Chapter 28 & 29 Study Guides and took the multiple choice portion of the test. On Wednesday you have the written portion. After that we will be diving in to the last two chapters. Expect a new study guide on Chapter 30; it is due on Friday, April 3rd. 

A nod to the Irish with this band...the first 5 people to email at kkirby@nmusd.us me their first song on Grey's Anatomy will earn an extra credit point on their next test. 


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